final class SnapshotSeq extends IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
An IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
providing toString
and lines
methods that
can be useful for debug and log messages about program state.
See the main documentation for trait Snapshots
for more information and examples.
- Source
- Snapshots.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- SnapshotSeq
- IndexedSeq
- IndexedSeqOps
- IndexedSeq
- IndexedSeqOps
- Seq
- SeqOps
- Seq
- Equals
- SeqOps
- PartialFunction
- Function1
- Iterable
- Iterable
- IterableFactoryDefaults
- IterableOps
- IterableOnceOps
- IterableOnce
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Value Members
- final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ##: Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- def +(value: Snapshot): SnapshotSeq
Appends a string element to this sequence, if it doesn't already exist in the sequence.
Appends a string element to this sequence, if it doesn't already exist in the sequence.
If the string element already exists in this sequence, this method returns itself. If not, this method returns a new
with the passed value appended to the end of the originalMultiSelOptionSeq
.- returns
that contains the passed string value
- final def ++[B >: Snapshot](suffix: IterableOnce[B]): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def ++:[B >: Snapshot](prefix: IterableOnce[B]): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps → IterableOps
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def +:[B >: Snapshot](elem: B): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def -(value: Snapshot): SnapshotSeq
Removes a string element to this sequence, if it already exists in the sequence.
Removes a string element to this sequence, if it already exists in the sequence.
If the string element does not already exist in this sequence, this method returns itself. If the element is contained in this sequence, this method returns a new
with the passed value removed from the the originalMultiSelOptionSeq
, leaving any other elements in the same order.- returns
that contains the passed string value
- final def :+[B >: Snapshot](elem: B): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def :++[B >: Snapshot](suffix: IterableOnce[B]): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def addString(b: StringBuilder): StringBuilder
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def addString(b: StringBuilder, sep: String): StringBuilder
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def addString(b: StringBuilder, start: String, sep: String, end: String): StringBuilder
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def andThen[C](k: PartialFunction[Snapshot, C]): PartialFunction[Int, C]
- Definition Classes
- PartialFunction
- def andThen[C](k: (Snapshot) => C): PartialFunction[Int, C]
- Definition Classes
- PartialFunction → Function1
- def appended[B >: Snapshot](elem: B): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def appendedAll[B >: Snapshot](suffix: IterableOnce[B]): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def apply(idx: Int): Snapshot
Selects an element by its index in the sequence.
Selects an element by its index in the sequence.
This method invokes
on the underlying immutableIndexedSeq[String]
, passing inidx
, and returns the result.- idx
the index to select
- returns
the element of this sequence at index
, where 0 indicates the first element
- Definition Classes
- SnapshotSeq → SeqOps → Function1
- def applyOrElse[A1 <: Int, B1 >: Snapshot](x: A1, default: (A1) => B1): B1
- Definition Classes
- PartialFunction
- def applyPreferredMaxLength: Int
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeq
- final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
- def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeq → Seq → Equals
- def className: String
- Attributes
- protected[this]
- Definition Classes
- Iterable
- def clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
- final def coll: SnapshotSeq.this.type
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Iterable → IterableOps
- def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[Snapshot, B]): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def collectFirst[B](pf: PartialFunction[Snapshot, B]): Option[B]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def combinations(n: Int): Iterator[IndexedSeq[Snapshot]]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def compose[R](k: PartialFunction[R, Int]): PartialFunction[R, Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- PartialFunction
- def compose[A](g: (A) => Int): (A) => Snapshot
- Definition Classes
- Function1
- Annotations
- @unspecialized()
- final def concat[B >: Snapshot](suffix: IterableOnce[B]): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps → IterableOps
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def contains[A1 >: Snapshot](elem: A1): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def containsSlice[B >: Snapshot](that: Seq[B]): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def copyToArray[B >: Snapshot](xs: Array[B], start: Int, len: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def copyToArray[B >: Snapshot](xs: Array[B], start: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding()
- def copyToArray[B >: Snapshot](xs: Array[B]): Int
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding()
- def corresponds[B](that: Seq[B])(p: (Snapshot, B) => Boolean): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def corresponds[B](that: IterableOnce[B])(p: (Snapshot, B) => Boolean): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def count(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean): Int
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def diff[B >: Snapshot](that: Seq[B]): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def distinct: IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def distinctBy[B](f: (Snapshot) => B): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def drop(n: Int): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def dropRight(n: Int): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → IterableOps
- def dropWhile(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def elementWise: ElementWiseExtractor[Int, Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- PartialFunction
- def empty: IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableFactoryDefaults → IterableOps
- def endsWith[B >: Snapshot](that: Iterable[B]): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def equals(o: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Seq → Equals → AnyRef → Any
- def exists(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def filter(pred: (Snapshot) => Boolean): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def filterNot(pred: (Snapshot) => Boolean): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def find(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean): Option[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def findLast(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean): Option[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def flatMap[B](f: (Snapshot) => IterableOnce[B]): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def flatten[B](implicit asIterable: (Snapshot) => IterableOnce[B]): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def fold[A1 >: Snapshot](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) => A1): A1
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, Snapshot) => B): B
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def foldRight[B](z: B)(op: (Snapshot, B) => B): B
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → IterableOnceOps
- def forall(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def foreach[U](f: (Snapshot) => U): Unit
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def fromSpecific(coll: IterableOnce[Snapshot]): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- IterableFactoryDefaults → IterableOps
- final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
- def groupBy[K](f: (Snapshot) => K): Map[K, IndexedSeq[Snapshot]]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def groupMap[K, B](key: (Snapshot) => K)(f: (Snapshot) => B): Map[K, IndexedSeq[B]]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def groupMapReduce[K, B](key: (Snapshot) => K)(f: (Snapshot) => B)(reduce: (B, B) => B): Map[K, B]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def grouped(size: Int): Iterator[IndexedSeq[Snapshot]]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- Seq → AnyRef → Any
- def head: Snapshot
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → IterableOps
- def headOption: Option[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → IterableOps
- def indexOf[B >: Snapshot](elem: B): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding()
- def indexOf[B >: Snapshot](elem: B, from: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def indexOfSlice[B >: Snapshot](that: Seq[B]): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding()
- def indexOfSlice[B >: Snapshot](that: Seq[B], from: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def indexWhere(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding()
- def indexWhere(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean, from: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def indices: Range
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def init: IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def inits: Iterator[IndexedSeq[Snapshot]]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def intersect[B >: Snapshot](that: Seq[B]): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def isDefinedAt(idx: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def isEmpty: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps → IterableOnceOps
- final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
- def isTraversableAgain: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def iterableFactory: SeqFactory[IndexedSeq]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeq → IndexedSeq → Seq → Seq → Iterable → Iterable → IterableOps
- def iterator: Iterator[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → IterableOnce
- def knownSize: Int
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → IterableOnce
- def last: Snapshot
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → IterableOps
- def lastIndexOf[B >: Snapshot](elem: B, end: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def lastIndexOfSlice[B >: Snapshot](that: Seq[B]): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding()
- def lastIndexOfSlice[B >: Snapshot](that: Seq[B], end: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def lastIndexWhere(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding()
- def lastIndexWhere(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean, end: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def lastOption: Option[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def lazyZip[B](that: Iterable[B]): LazyZip2[Snapshot, B, SnapshotSeq.this.type]
- Definition Classes
- Iterable
- def length: Int
The length of this sequence.
The length of this sequence.
This method invokes
on the underlying immutableIndexedSeq[String]
and returns the result.- returns
the number of elements in this sequence
- Definition Classes
- SnapshotSeq → SeqOps
- final def lengthCompare(that: Iterable[_]): Int
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → SeqOps
- final def lengthCompare(len: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → SeqOps
- final def lengthIs: SizeCompareOps
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def lift: (Int) => Option[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- PartialFunction
- def lines: String
An alternate way to present the result of the
method of trait Snapshots that puts each variable or expression on its own line.An alternate way to present the result of the
method of trait Snapshots that puts each variable or expression on its own line.Here's an example:
scala> snap(a, b, c, d, e, f).lines res4: String = a was 1 b was 2 c was 3 d was 4 e was null f was null
- def map[B](f: (Snapshot) => B): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def max[B >: Snapshot](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Snapshot
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def maxBy[B](f: (Snapshot) => B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): Snapshot
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def maxByOption[B](f: (Snapshot) => B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): Option[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def maxOption[B >: Snapshot](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def min[B >: Snapshot](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Snapshot
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def minBy[B](f: (Snapshot) => B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): Snapshot
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def minByOption[B](f: (Snapshot) => B)(implicit cmp: Ordering[B]): Option[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def minOption[B >: Snapshot](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Option[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- final def mkString: String
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def mkString(sep: String): String
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def newSpecificBuilder: Builder[Snapshot, IndexedSeq[Snapshot]]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- IterableFactoryDefaults → IterableOps
- def nonEmpty: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- Annotations
- @deprecatedOverriding()
- final def notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
- final def notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
- def occCounts[B](sq: Seq[B]): Map[B, Int]
- Attributes
- protected[collection]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def orElse[A1 <: Int, B1 >: Snapshot](that: PartialFunction[A1, B1]): PartialFunction[A1, B1]
- Definition Classes
- PartialFunction
- def padTo[B >: Snapshot](len: Int, elem: B): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def partition(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean): (IndexedSeq[Snapshot], IndexedSeq[Snapshot])
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def partitionMap[A1, A2](f: (Snapshot) => Either[A1, A2]): (IndexedSeq[A1], IndexedSeq[A2])
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def patch[B >: Snapshot](from: Int, other: IterableOnce[B], replaced: Int): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def permutations: Iterator[IndexedSeq[Snapshot]]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def prepended[B >: Snapshot](elem: B): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → SeqOps
- def prependedAll[B >: Snapshot](prefix: IterableOnce[B]): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def product[B >: Snapshot](implicit num: Numeric[B]): B
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def reduce[B >: Snapshot](op: (B, B) => B): B
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def reduceLeft[B >: Snapshot](op: (B, Snapshot) => B): B
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def reduceLeftOption[B >: Snapshot](op: (B, Snapshot) => B): Option[B]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def reduceOption[B >: Snapshot](op: (B, B) => B): Option[B]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def reduceRight[B >: Snapshot](op: (Snapshot, B) => B): B
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def reduceRightOption[B >: Snapshot](op: (Snapshot, B) => B): Option[B]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def reverse: IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → SeqOps
- def reverseIterator: Iterator[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → SeqOps
- def reversed: Iterable[Snapshot]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → IterableOnceOps
- def runWith[U](action: (Snapshot) => U): (Int) => Boolean
- Definition Classes
- PartialFunction
- def sameElements[B >: Snapshot](o: IterableOnce[B]): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeq → SeqOps
- def scan[B >: Snapshot](z: B)(op: (B, B) => B): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def scanLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, Snapshot) => B): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def scanRight[B](z: B)(op: (Snapshot, B) => B): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def search[B >: Snapshot](elem: B, from: Int, to: Int)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): SearchResult
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → SeqOps
- def search[B >: Snapshot](elem: B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): SearchResult
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → SeqOps
- def segmentLength(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean, from: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- final def segmentLength(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- final def size: Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps → IterableOnceOps
- final def sizeCompare(that: Iterable[_]): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps → IterableOps
- final def sizeCompare(otherSize: Int): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps → IterableOps
- final def sizeIs: SizeCompareOps
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def slice(from: Int, until: Int): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → IndexedSeqOps → IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def sliding(size: Int, step: Int): Iterator[IndexedSeq[Snapshot]]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def sliding(size: Int): Iterator[IndexedSeq[Snapshot]]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def sortBy[B](f: (Snapshot) => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def sortWith(lt: (Snapshot, Snapshot) => Boolean): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def sorted[B >: Snapshot](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def span(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean): (IndexedSeq[Snapshot], IndexedSeq[Snapshot])
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def splitAt(n: Int): (IndexedSeq[Snapshot], IndexedSeq[Snapshot])
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def startsWith[B >: Snapshot](that: IterableOnce[B], offset: Int): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def stepper[S <: Stepper[_]](implicit shape: StepperShape[Snapshot, S]): S with EfficientSplit
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → IterableOnce
- def stringPrefix: String
- Attributes
- protected[this]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeq → Seq → Iterable
- def sum[B >: Snapshot](implicit num: Numeric[B]): B
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def tail: IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def tails: Iterator[IndexedSeq[Snapshot]]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def take(n: Int): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def takeRight(n: Int): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → IterableOps
- def takeWhile(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def tapEach[U](f: (Snapshot) => U): IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
- def to[C1](factory: Factory[Snapshot, C1]): C1
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def toArray[B >: Snapshot](implicit arg0: ClassTag[B]): Array[B]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- final def toBuffer[B >: Snapshot]: Buffer[B]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- Annotations
- @inline()
- final def toIndexedSeq: IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeq → IterableOnceOps
- final def toIterable: SnapshotSeq.this.type
- Definition Classes
- Iterable → IterableOps
- def toList: List[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def toMap[K, V](implicit ev: <:<[Snapshot, (K, V)]): Map[K, V]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- final def toSeq: SnapshotSeq.this.type
- Definition Classes
- Seq → IterableOnceOps
- def toSet[B >: Snapshot]: Set[B]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def toString(): String
The default way to present the result of the
method of trait Snapshots.The default way to present the result of the
method of trait Snapshots.Here's an example:
scala> snap(a, b, c, d, e, f) res3: org.scalactic.SnapshotSeq = a was 1, b was 2, c was 3, d was 4, e was null, f was null
- Definition Classes
- SnapshotSeq → Seq → Function1 → Iterable → AnyRef → Any
- def toVector: Vector[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- def transpose[B](implicit asIterable: (Snapshot) => Iterable[B]): IndexedSeq[IndexedSeq[B]]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def unapply(a: Int): Option[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- PartialFunction
- def unzip[A1, A2](implicit asPair: (Snapshot) => (A1, A2)): (IndexedSeq[A1], IndexedSeq[A2])
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def unzip3[A1, A2, A3](implicit asTriple: (Snapshot) => (A1, A2, A3)): (IndexedSeq[A1], IndexedSeq[A2], IndexedSeq[A3])
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def updated[B >: Snapshot](index: Int, elem: B): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- def view: IndexedSeqView[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → SeqOps → IterableOps
- final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
- final def wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- def withFilter(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean): WithFilter[Snapshot, [_]IndexedSeq[_]]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def zip[B](that: IterableOnce[B]): IndexedSeq[(Snapshot, B)]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def zipAll[A1 >: Snapshot, B](that: Iterable[B], thisElem: A1, thatElem: B): IndexedSeq[(A1, B)]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- def zipWithIndex: IndexedSeq[(Snapshot, Int)]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps → IterableOnceOps
Deprecated Value Members
- final def /:[B](z: B)(op: (B, Snapshot) => B): B
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- Annotations
- @deprecated @inline()
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) Use foldLeft instead of /:
- final def :\[B](z: B)(op: (Snapshot, B) => B): B
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- Annotations
- @deprecated @inline()
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) Use foldRight instead of :\
- def aggregate[B](z: => B)(seqop: (B, Snapshot) => B, combop: (B, B) => B): B
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0)
is not relevant for sequential collections. UsefoldLeft(z)(seqop)
- def companion: IterableFactory[[_]IndexedSeq[_]]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- Annotations
- @deprecated @deprecatedOverriding() @inline()
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) Use iterableFactory instead
- final def copyToBuffer[B >: Snapshot](dest: Buffer[B]): Unit
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- Annotations
- @deprecated @inline()
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) Use
dest ++= coll
- def finalize(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated
- Deprecated
- def hasDefiniteSize: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) Check .knownSize instead of .hasDefiniteSize for more actionable information (see scaladoc for details)
- final def prefixLength(p: (Snapshot) => Boolean): Int
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- Annotations
- @deprecated @inline()
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) Use segmentLength instead of prefixLength
- final def repr: IndexedSeq[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) Use coll instead of repr in a collection implementation, use the collection value itself from the outside
- def reverseMap[B](f: (Snapshot) => B): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) Use instead of .reverseMap(f)
- def seq: SnapshotSeq.this.type
- Definition Classes
- Iterable
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) Iterable.seq always returns the iterable itself
- final def toIterator: Iterator[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- Annotations
- @deprecated @inline()
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) Use .iterator instead of .toIterator
- final def toStream: Stream[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOnceOps
- Annotations
- @deprecated @inline()
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) Use .to(LazyList) instead of .toStream
- final def toTraversable: Traversable[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IterableOps
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) Use toIterable instead
- final def union[B >: Snapshot](that: Seq[B]): IndexedSeq[B]
- Definition Classes
- SeqOps
- Annotations
- @deprecated @inline()
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) Use
- def view(from: Int, until: Int): IndexedSeqView[Snapshot]
- Definition Classes
- IndexedSeqOps → IterableOps
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) Use .view.slice(from, until) instead of .view(from, until)