Scalactic User Guide Custom equality Default equality Constrained equality Tolerance Normalization The Explicitly DSL Or and Every Requirements Snapshots TimesOnInt |
Custom equality
For example, say you have a case class that includes a scala> case class Person(name: String, age: Double) defined class Person
Imagine you are calculating the scala> import org.scalactic._ import org.scalactic._ scala> import TripleEquals._ import TripleEquals._ scala> Person("Joe", 29.0001) === Person("Joe", 29.0) res0: Boolean = false
To make the equality check more forgiving, you could define an implicit scala> import Tolerance._ import Tolerance._ scala> implicit val personEq = | new Equality[Person] { | def areEqual(a: Person, b: Any): Boolean = | b match { | case p: Person => == && a.age === p.age +- 0.0002 | case _ => false | } | } personEq: org.scalactic.Equality[Person] = $anon$1@2b29f6e7
Now the scala> Person("Joe", 29.0001) === Person("Joe", 29.0) res1: Boolean = true Next, learn more about default equality. |
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