Scalactic User Guide

Custom equality

Default equality

Constrained equality



The Explicitly DSL

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Custom equality

Scalactic's Equality typeclass enables you to define alternate notions of equality for specified types that can be used with Scalactic's === and !== syntax (and ScalaTest's matcher) syntax.

For example, say you have a case class that includes a Double value:

scala> case class Person(name: String, age: Double)
defined class Person

Imagine you are calculating the age values in such as way that occasionally tests are failing because of rounding differences that you actually don't care about. For example, you expect an age of 29.0, but you're sometimes seeing 29.0001:

scala> import org.scalactic._
import org.scalactic._

scala> import TripleEquals._
import TripleEquals._

scala> Person("Joe", 29.0001) === Person("Joe", 29.0)
res0: Boolean = false

Scalactic's === operator looks for an implicit Equality[L], where L is the left-hand type: in this case, Person. Because you didn't specifically provide an implicit Equality[Person], === will fall back on default equality, which will call Person's equals method. That equals method, provided by the Scala compiler because Person is a case class, will declare these two objects unequal because 29.001 does not exactly equal 29.0.

To make the equality check more forgiving, you could define an implicit Equality[Person] that compares the age Doubles with a tolerance, like this:

scala> import Tolerance._
import Tolerance._

scala> implicit val personEq =
     |   new Equality[Person] {
     |     def areEqual(a: Person, b: Any): Boolean =
     |       b match {
     |         case p: Person => == && a.age === p.age +- 0.0002
     |         case _ => false
     |       }
     |   }
personEq: org.scalactic.Equality[Person] = $anon$1@2b29f6e7

Now the === operator will use your more forgiving Equality[Person] for the equality check instead of default equality:

scala> Person("Joe", 29.0001) === Person("Joe", 29.0)
res1: Boolean = true

Next, learn more about default equality.

Scalactic is brought to you by Bill Venners, with contributions from several other folks. It is sponsored by Artima, Inc.
ScalaTest is free, open-source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.

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